Diphoterine Eyewash (50ml)

£45.00 Plus VAT and Delivery

Diphoterine Eyewash is the only eyewash which will properly bind with Quicklime and limit the damage it will cause if it gets into Your eyes.

A standard eye wash or sterile water solution will NOT properly neutralise or deal with the catastrophic consequences should You be unfortunate enough to get raw Quicklime in Your eyes.

In fact,  it may even increase the reaction by the addition of more water. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD

Make no mistake, if You get quicklime in Your eyes and it begins to react with the moisture of Your eyeballs You have mere seconds to neutralise the chemical attack before it burns or blinds You.

When purchasing any quicklime product we STRONGLY recommend purchasing at least one vial of Diphoterine to keep at hand whilst working with the material.

This product includes a belt holster which allows the neutralising solution to be administered within seconds.

If someone gets Quicklime in their eye(s) they will not have enough time to locate an eyewash station in time and will likely panic and be in too much pain to move.

Therefore they must have this on their person at all times in order to be able to help themselves immediately.

Keep You and Your staff safe.

What value do You place on Your eyes or eyesight?

The cost of one vial might literally save Your eyes.

Do not underestimate the risks of working with Quicklime.


Sterile Individual Eye Wash (50ml)

  • Light and small
  • Easy to identify by colour
  • The ergonomic eyecup helps the eyelids to open
  • Soft and autonomous rinsing without pressure
  • Sterile solution
  • Tamper-evident seal to ensure the integrity of the system
  • Easy control of the rinsing efficiency
  • Waterproof and compact
  • No  specific installation or maintenance required
  • Complies with EN 15154
  • CE Marked
  • Class 11a Medical Device
  • Phosphate Free

 Instructions for Use:

Each individual eye wash decontaminates one eye. Use within the first 10 seconds of a splash for optimal efficacy.

This is a single use product – use the entire contents for one eye.

Open the lid of the container by twisting the cap either way until the tamper-evident tabs break. Remove the lid, place container to the contaminated eye socket and raise to allow liquid to flow across the eye surface. Blink eyes to aid decontamination.

Remove contact lenses, if worn, as soon as possible.

What is Diphoterine®?

Diphoterine® solution is an aqueous, polyvalent, washing solution that is highly effective against corrosive and irritant chemicals*

Diphoterine® solution is able to remove excess chemical by mechanical washing and then actively chelate the aggressive chemical molecule, due to its unique absorbent properties.

The Diphoterine solution molecule is polyvalent and can effectively prevent the corrosive or irritant action of acids, alkalis, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, chelating agents, and solvents.

Diphoterine® solution is hypertonic which, when applied to the eye or the skin, creates a  reverse tissue flow that allows removal of any corrosive chemical that may have already penetrated into the tissue, it also neutralises its aggressive action and carries it safely away.

It is by the combination of these properties that Diphoterine solutions are uniquely able to achieve the three elements demanded in effective emergency first aid of a chemical splash:

  • Removal of chemical from the surface of the tissue.
  • Absorption and encapsulation of the aggressive chemical molecule remaining on the tissue surface.
  • Attraction, absorption and encapsulation of the aggressive chemical molecule already penetrating the tissue.

Tests have shown Diphoterine® to be more effective than water:

Diphoterine® solution has been used for 25 years in industry, and in more recent years, within the Emergency Services throughout Europe and is registered as a Class IIa Medical Device

Diphoterine® solution conforms with the European Standards for Emergency Showers –  EN15154: Parts 3 and 4

Diphoterine® solution is non-toxic and has been tested as follows:

NON IRRITANT TO THE EYES – Graefe’s Arch Exp Opthamol 202.240.308-313 / Safepharm Laboatories Limited UK 133/4

NON IRRITANT TO THE SKIN – Integra, Italy 2005-024

NON CYTOTOXIC  – Integra, Italy REL/003/06/IRRC/ELB, ISO 10993-5 standard


NON TOXIC BY INGESTION – International Centre of Toxicology, France 6564 TAR

SKIN – Safepharm Laboratories Limited UK 133/9

IV INJECTION – CERB, France 20030856ST

*IMPORTANT: Diphoterine® solution has limited efficacy on Hydrofluoric Acid – please use Hexafluorine® solution

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