£20.00£22.50 Plus VAT and Delivery

BreathaPlasta is a range of high-quality Lime Based plasters designed for healthier people, buildings and planet.

Breathaplasta is an extremely convenient & easy to use Lime Based Plaster, even for those with little or no experience using Lime Plasters e.g. DIY or Experienced Modern Plasterers.

The entire range is 100% free of Cement, Gypsum or Plastics and is a properly formulated hydraulic Lime Plaster.

It is ideal for use in traditional and heritage properties where perhaps a more expensive or complicated traditional Lime Plaster finish might not be strictly necessary, or where there is a history of damp which might affect the initial set of the plaster

It is the ideal plaster to be used over wood-fibre boards and even plasterboards without the need for any expensive primers

We absolutely do not recommend using PVA or SBR with any Lime Plaster as it blocks the breathability however We do strongly recommend using our Alkali resistant mesh between coats.

The plaster is genuinely ‘breathable’, although perhaps not quite as much as a Non-Hydraulic Lime Plaster, however, this is not a negative point at all. It is simply a case of choosing the correct plaster for the given siutation.

Please call us if You are unsure of the differences and we will guide You as to whether we feel this is the appropriate product for Your situation.


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